Our Founder's Message - Ground-breaking Ceremony of SISM
I extend my heartfelt felicitations on this long-awaited occasion that marks the ground-breaking ceremony of the Soka International School Malaysia. Many, many congratulations to all!
First and foremost, I would like to extend my sincere appreciation to each and every one involves in this project, including our contractors who are carrying out construction work amidst these challenging times of the covid-19 pandemic. You must have overcome numerous difficulties and hardship posed by the pandemic to bring us to where we are today when we can finally officiate this ground-breaking ceremony. This occasion can be said to be the very crystallization of the painstaking efforts and hard work of each and every one of you here. Thank you very much indeed.
Malaysia is a land that celebrates multicultural coexistence. It is a capital of humanistic education where individuals are nurtured with compassion and have their inherent potential developed to the fullest. This new school building surrounded by a rich natural environment where palm leaves glitter in the tropical sunshine, is where students of diverse races and nationalities gather from Malaysia and around the world to study together, encourage one another and bring their creativity to full bloom. It is a cradle for global citizens to deepen their bonds of friendship. I strongly believe that our founding fathers of Soka (value-creative) education, Mr Tsunesaburo Makiguchi and Mr Josei Toda, must be truly delighted to witness the ground-breaking ceremony today.
Education is the power source for realizing happiness and peace in the 21st Century. Education that builds human character is the bridge that connects us to the future and is the very hope of humankind. The establishment of SISM has been made possible through the sincere support of individuals who uphold aspirations of supreme good who yearns for peace and the great development of youth. In other words, SISM can be said to a magnificent fortress built through the efforts of ordinary people. I am absolutely confident that we will see the emergence from this School, an unending stream of bright, talented youth who will contribute to the well-being of the people and the welfare of society and the world. There is no doubt that it is from this School that they will fledge and take flight into the vast skies of the world as youthful leaders. I would like to sincerely ask the teachers and staff of SISM to take good care of this School, which I regard as the treasure of humankind.
Last but not least, I sincerely pray that all construction works will progress in absolute safety, without any mishaps. I would also like to offer my heartfelt prayers for the continued good health, successful endeavours, happiness and prosperity of everyone in attendance here today.
January 2, 2022
Daisaku Ikeda