
Requirements for Year 10 Enrolment

Navigating through Year 10 and 11 is a critical period as students prepare for their IGCSE Examinations, which significantly influence their A-level subject choices and readiness for the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP). If you are considering enrolling your child after Year 10 has started, here is what you need to know to facilitate a smooth transition.

Before Year 10 commences, students select the subjects they will focus on for the next two years in preparation for their IGCSE Examinations. These exams, held at the end of Year 11,play a crucial role in shaping the path to A-level subjects and the IBDP.

Age Recommendation: 14 - 15 years old
Birth Year: 2009 - 2010

Requirements for Year 10:

  • Completed the third year (Year 9) of Cambridge secondaryeducation or equivalent by August 2024.
  • English proficiency level equivalent to CEFR B2 / B2+.
  • Proficiency in Cambridge Maths Year 9.
  • Evidence of Ability to Catch Up:
    • Any documents showcasing your child's experiencewith Cambridge Curriculum study.
    • A list of the Cambridge Curriculum subjects your childis currently studying.
  • Parental Acknowledgement:
    • Recognition that joining after the start of Year 10 maypose challenges and could impact the child's IGCSEgrades in the subsequent year.